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May 2014 – Next Orbit

May 2014

The Self-Deception of Irrationality

A blinding influence that can intuitively incapacitate your effectiveness at work… “Once upon a time, there was a brave king called….” Picture a stretched sun-filled summer noon, in the leafy shadow of the portico of a placid hamlet-home on the corner of a small town in the west of India, a toddler innocently listening to the story… When I look back at my growing years, I realize that my mother’s folk tales or father’s mythical heroic legends had a great influence over the shaping up of my life values.  How ... Read More

Stepping off on the wrong foot…!

 “Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make” -Donald Trump    My experience on one of the most powerful Strategy tool: M&A A testimony further away from financial check-mates…The Human Equity. Why so many mergers fail? Why there are loads of infamous M&A stories across geographies? At times I wonder, how a proposition announced so lucrative the other day, can turn out to be a financial hemorrhage even before its first anniversary. In majority of the cases, over a period of time, the acquirer realizes that the company would have ... Read More